A behind The Scenes of A Website Overhaul


Hello, and welcome to our beautifully updated website and first blog post! We at KELLYBRADY are your marketing experts, website design specialists’ and all-around in-house marketing team. As the decision was made earlier in the year to revamp our website, we took a step back and reviewed our efforts put into client projects and realized, as a group, we could make something that stands out from the rest and utilize the best that technology has to offer. 

The first questions we asked ourselves were, ‘What do we want this new site to look like? How will we stand out?’ And the biggest questions of all, “Why.” Why were those changes the correct ones to meet our end goals?’ We began the process of revamping our website by turning to our creative team to see what they envisioned as an updated look for KELLYBRADY.

Our graphic design team had a hard task at hand but found a way to utilize many current web design trends. A main goal of ours was to keep the pages feeling clean and open along with adhering to development standards. We played with angles that reflect our ‘KB’ logo, implemented big typography, and micro-animations. With team collaboration we created a great way to showcase some of our recent projects and talk through our various processes with potential clients.

After extensive time and research, we turned to our development team and the development of our website began.

Planning for development brought many questions. The biggest question being what platform to use. As most of us know WordPress is the most popular platform available and it is used by millions across the nation. Would WordPress give us the features we were seeking? Absolutely. Did we use WordPress? Absolutely Not.

If not WordPress, then what platform? We decided to go with an extremely lightweight open-source platform called Laravel for this development. Due to the infinite expandability and the many ideas our developers came up with during this platform meeting. Laravel was the logical choice for us.

Not only did we want to create an experience for our users but also for our clients. During development, we incorporated a small side project building our own CMS platform out of Laravel with the intention of providing additional platform options to our clients with the same, if not faster, turnaround time as a WordPress site.

The possibilities for growth are endless with Laravel from a technical standpoint. This allows our clients to bring an abundance of ideas and integrations to the table without the bottleneck of the WordPress CMS. Our CMS backend is rapidly growing as we add features that we know clients would love to have when managing their own website.

During the CMS development, we actively built the frontend of our website utilizing the latest trends in technology. CSS Grid played a giant part in the layout of this website allowing our development team to ensure the most consistent layout cross platform as well as lighting fast website speed. Typically, websites utilize front end grid systems (such as Bootstrap), but this was our website. It was a place we could showcase our talented staff and show the world why KELLYBRADY is the choice for all their advertising needs.

During the testing phase, the results of what we created blew our minds. Our website was blazing fast. At this point we knew the tech choices for this build were the right combination and we stand by them. 

What our entire staff brought to the table with this project shows KELLYBRADYs true colors. Team collaboration, proper planning, and flawless execution from all departments went into the final overview and content of the site. 

At the end of this project, we had a list a mile long of additional features we would like to add. Just like with any other project that touches our desks, this isn’t a one-and-done. Over time we will be adding to and further optimizing this website, so stay alert for those changes! The next time you visit our site you may see some different features.

There is so much that goes into a website and branding revamp and we, as the experts, make it easy for you. If you would like to know more about our process, please visit our Services Page to learn about the KELLYBRADY way of doing web design, SEO, social media, paid search and display, video, traditional marketing and all the other services we offer. We would love to help you with your next project and help you shine in the market.