Creative with KELLYBRADY
When you see a swoosh do you instantly think of an Oregon based shoe company? How is it that you know an outline of a fruit is synonymous with an international technology company? Brand association lies within the creative elements of these companies. Now think…. What does your creative tell your customers about your brand? What do they think of when they see your logo? When they hear your jingle?
The story of your brand is told through good creative and creative is more than just logos. It spans the images you post on social media, the billboard you put up near a busy intersection, the radio ad you have running, and so on. Creative is the core of everything we do. Good creative cannot perform without a good strategy. A good strategy will not work without good creative. They go hand-in-hand and their combination bring your brand to life.

What can creative do to help improve business growth?
Creative in the world of advertising is your voice and how you present it. At KELLYBRADY we take a holistic approach, meaning we look at all the advertising avenues, to better tell the story of your brand or business. We use a collaborative method that combines a wide array of media options to better reach your market. We strive to elevate the voice of your brand in a compelling way that is memorable and effective.
Why do you need Good Creative?
Are you more likely to eat a bright red strawberry or one that is bruised and starting to mold? Just like your natural instinct to avoid rotten food, we do the same thing with images or advertisements that are not appealing to our eyes. Having good creative that will reach your target audience and speak to them is a key component to the success of your business.
Why choose KELLYBRADY for your creative?
At KELLYBRADY our creative department understands the importance of delivering the best work to each and every client. Our creative process brings together creative, production and media teams to ensure a more effective campaign that resonates with your audience.
We like to start our creative concepting with an industry deep dive. Leaving no stone unturned we can gain a better understanding of our clients and how we can help them accomplish and exceed their goals. Understanding the concept drives the message home, and by taking a user centric-approach we can communicate to the target demographic in a way that is easy for them to digest. We create concepts that are complimentary, distinctive and flexible to extend the brand of the organizations we work with.
You want creative that resonates with your audience. KELLYBRADY not only creates appealing design, but communicates and connects with your audience.
Our Process

Start by learning about you, your goals, and the project requirements.

We take your product and/or service and goals to develop a strategy to deliver your message.

Explore ideas and possibilities based on insights gained to capture your audience.

Take the concept and bring it to life with fonts, color and overall style and prepare it for project needs.

Now we get to take approved designs and prepare them for the various platforms for distribution.

Set the different versions up to be distributed to various markets and platforms.